Turinabol-Pharm tec

Turinabol Rapid Pharm Tec is an original and quality Turinabol. It is a highly anabolic and weakly androgenic steroid, with a low risk of side effects. It is suitable for gaining lean muscle mass, increasing strength and endurance.

43,00лв. (21.99 €)


Pharm Tec


50 tabs x 10mg

Active substance



Mid – High


Oral intake

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Turinabol Rapid Pharm Tec is an original and quality Turinabol. It is a highly anabolic and weakly androgenic steroid, with a low risk of side effects. It is suitable for gaining lean muscle mass, increasing strength and endurance. Turinabol is something in between Methane and Anavar, it does not increase the mass drastically, but the acquired muscles are of good quality and durable.

Turinabol Rapid Pharm tec is an oral anabolic steroid with the active substance 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. A product also known as Oral Turinabol or T-Bol. Turinabol has strong anabolic and weak androgenic activity. According to athletes, its action is something in between Methane and Anavar, combining the best between them. However, it should be noted that Turinabol will not give such a gain in mass as Methane, because it does not aromatize and does not retain water, but in addition to quality muscle mass, it will make the muscles firm and dense as with Anavar.

Turinabol is not converted to estrogen, does not cause side effects such as water retention, high blood pressure and gynecomastia. Turinabol Pharm tec is not an anabolic steroid that you can expect to gain drastically, as with a highly androgenic anabol. It increases physical abilities, builds mostly lean muscle mass and increases strength. It is no coincidence that the compound is the most used among athletes in various sports.

Bodybuilders and fitness trainers can expect good results without the risk of bloating, gynecomastia, or any other estrogen-related side effects. You will not notice rapid and dramatic growth with Oral Turinabol due to the lack of androgenic activity characteristic of most strong anabolic steroids, but a stable, quality and constant increase in muscle mass can be expected.


⇒ Detailed information about Turinabol


The materials on the site are for informational and educational purposes, do not constitute medical advice, incentives or recommendations. The information (side effects from AAS) provided describes the negative effects of doping well enough so that consumers can make their own decisions in the interests of their health and safety. Consumers should consult a doctor before resorting to any preparations. The decision to purchase, take and use anabolic androgenic steroids is solely the responsibility of the user and this site holds no such responsibility!

Although it has no side effects, Turinabol is a 17-alpha alkyd anabolic steroid and high doses can increase liver enzymes. The drug does not suppress its own testosterone production so much and if taken alone in normal doses and for a shorter period, it is not needed after steroid therapy.

Turinabol Rapid Pharm Tec works very well in a definition cycle when we want to maintain muscle mass and reduce subcutaneous fat. Although the product is mainly used in definition cycles, in a pure muscle mass cycle it can be successfully combined with strong androgens such as Testosterone.

Reception and dosage

Turinabol Pharm Tec is taken at 40-80 mg every day! If the dose is higher than 40 mg / day, it is good to divide it into two doses for the day. Turinabol is rarely taken alone and is often combined with various anabolic steroids depending on the goals that are set. For women, the daily dose should not exceed 10 mg!

Steroid cycles with Turinabol, schemes and combinations

Turibol Rapid Pharm Tec is an original and quality Turinabol. It is a highly anabolic and weakly androgenic steroid, with a low risk of side effects. It is suitable for gaining lean muscle mass, increasing strength and endurance. Turinabol is something in between Methane and Anavar, it does not increase the mass drastically, but the acquired muscles are of good quality and durable..

However, practice shows that Turinabol is effective not only in the definition cycle. It can show very good results in a cycle of gaining lean muscle mass. The compound is produced in injectable and oral (tablet) form, and is flexible enough to work well with many other anabolic steroids. Depending on the combination, Turinabol will be very effective both in a definition cycle and in increasing lean, quality muscle mass. The schemes and programs for combining Turinabol in the cycles of fitness and bodybuilding are many and varied, so here we will focus on some of the most popular cycles with this product.

⇒ Description and information about Turinabol
⇒ Oral Turinabol

⦁ Cycle only with Turinabol.

Stanozolol is rarely taken alone, so the cycle is for beginners and those looking for great security. With this program you can get out of the plateau of stagnation in your muscle development. You can reduce your subcutaneous fat, shape and maintain the acquired muscles, or you can increase your pure muscle mass. Of course, according to the results you want to achieve, you need to consider your training style and diet. If you expect a large increase in weight, focus on a more androgenic anabolic steroid. With Turinabol, the increase is not drastic, but on the other hand it is high quality and lasts longer.

This cycle with Turinabol tablets, suitable for beginners. Turinabol intake program to improve definition and lean muscle mass without side effects.

Information on Cycle only with Turinabol for beginners:

The steroid cycle with Turinabol tablets only is intended for beginners and those who are looking for a safe, although not as effective option to get out of stagnation in their muscle development.
The Turinabol cycle can be used for various purposes. With it you can get out of the stagnation in which you have fallen and gain lean muscle mass or purposefully strive to improve the definition of the muscles. With Turinabol, you should not expect a solid weight gain, as if you were taking Methane. Turinabol is a mild anabolic steroid that builds lean muscle mass that is maintained for a longer period of time.
Anyone who has decided to cycle with Turinabol should first get acquainted with its effect and action. Although the compound is rarely used alone, with a good training program and proper diet, very good results can be achieved.

Turinabol 2pcs.
Clomiphene Citrate 1pc.

120mg / Daily 
230mg / Daily 
330mg / Daily 
430mg / Daily 
530mg / Daily 
620mg / Daily 
7 50mg / Daily
8 50mg / Daily
9 50mg / Daily

The dose of Turinabol can be divided into two equal doses for the day when you are 20 mg, and three doses when you are 30 mg. Doses are taken at regular intervals, not taking into account the training time.

The cycle with Turinabol alone has no side effects and it is enough to just continue with after steroid therapy with Clomid.

⦁ Cycle with Winstrol and Turinabol for definition and lean muscle mass.

This program is for cutting fat or to increase lean and quality muscle mass with a low risk of side effects. Both anabolic steroids (Winstrol and Turinabol) are highly anabolic and weakly androgenic. This implies an increase only in lean muscle mass and good definition, which will be maintained for a longer time. With this cycle there is no water retention and there is no danger of gynecomastia.
Depending on the results you want to achieve, you need to adjust your workouts and diet accordingly. Whether the goal is definition or gaining lean muscle mass, your diet should be rich in protein.

This is a cycle with injectable Winstrol and Turinabol, suitable for beginners and intermediates. A good and effective cycle to improve the definition or increase lean muscle mass without side effects.

Information on Cycle with Winstrol and Turinabol:

A cycle with Winstrol injections and Turinabol is suitable for beginners and intermediates. The program is designed for those who are looking for a safe and sufficiently effective way to gain lean muscle mass or shape their muscles and improve definition .
The Winstrol and Turinabol cycle is highly anabolic and weakly androgenic. This scheme can be used for various purposes without the risk of side effects. If you find it difficult to gain muscle mass, but you do not want to retain water and keep the muscles for a long time, this cycle is for you. If you have gained enough mass but want to lose weight without losing a gram of muscle tissue, this cycle is for you. Of course, according to your goals, you need to adjust your training program and diet to the desired results.

Turinabol – 2 pcs.
Winstrol – Stanozolol – 3 pcs.
Pregnyl 5000ui – 1 pc.
Clomiphene citrate – 2 pc.

WeekTurinabolWinstrol InjectionPregnilClomid
130mg / Daily50mg /Every OtherDay
240mg / Daily50mg /Every OtherDay
350mg / Daily50mg /Every OtherDay
450mg / Daily50mg /Every OtherDay
540mg / Daily50mg /Every OtherDay
630mg / Daily50mg /Every OtherDay
750mg /Every OtherDay5000ui50mg / Daily
850mg / Daily
950mg / Daily

Winstrol is injected intramuscularly every other day in the indicated doses, and the injection does not need to take into account the training time. Turinabol is taken according to the scheme, in the morning before breakfast.

This cycle with Winstrol and Turinabol can also be used by novice athletes, taking Turinabol tablets instead of injections. In this case, the doses and cycle lengths of both anabolic steroids should be reduced. For example, the cycle lasts 6 weeks, and the doses, respectively: Winstrol 30 mg per day and Turinabol 40 mg per day.

⦁ Cycle with Stromba, Turinabol and Clenbuterol for definition and cutting fat

A great cycle for a burning fat and getting good muscle definition. Roughing program without risk of side effects. Both drugs (Winstrol and Turinabol) are highly anabolic and weakly androgenic. Clenbuterol is a very good thermogenic for reducing subcutaneous fat. Combined with a good low carb diet and intense workouts followed by cardio, you can enchant with amazing results.
This cycle can be easily performed by beginners. Women, visit Stromba and Turinabol should not take more than 10 mg.

Definition cycle with Turinabol, Winstrol (Stromba) and Clenbuterol for beginners in the use of anabolic steroids. This is a cycle of cleansing and reducing fat in combination with a low-carb diet, leading to great results. Scheme without risk of side effects.

Information on a definition Cycle with Turinabol, Stromba and Clenbuterol:

A great definition Cycle with Turinabol, Winstrol and Clenbuterol tablets. Suitable scheme for athletes, beginners in the use of anabolics, as well as for those who do not tolerate injections.
This program is a combination with Clenbuterol and two highly anabolic and weakly androgenic steroids, Turinabol and Winstrol (Stromba). They do not cause side effects, such as water retention and conversion to estrogen (aromatization). So, adding anti estrogen is not necessary. Such a combination is suitable for those who are looking for an effective and safe way to achieve good muscle definition. This exemplary definition cycle is safe enough and even suitable for women, but the doses of Stromba and Turinabol should be a maximum of 10 mg per day.

The cycle is focused mainly on achieving good definition and maintaining muscle mass against the background of a low-carbohydrate diet to reduce subcutaneous fat. Here you cannot expect an increase in muscle volume, but to keep it, as the muscles will get a complete and defined look without fat. If you are looking to gain lean muscle mass, see an example of a lean muscle mass cycle!
The main differences between the cycle for definition and that for lean mass, of course, is not only in the choice of products, but also in the observance of a low-calorie diet supplemented with aerobic exercise.
The effects of this cycle of cleansing and definition are intensive fat burning, maintaining muscle mass, increase strength and energy, well-defined muscle definition and increased venousness, anti-catabolic effect.

In combination with this cycle for definition with a high protein – low carbohydrate diet and a good training regime, you will enjoy enviable results. There is a steady decrease in subcutaneous fat, however, the strength increases and the muscles become firm, dense, well-defined and embossed.
Maximum results can be achieved by following the doses of the preparations, low-calorie diet and regular strength and aerobic exercise.

Products and scheme to definition cycle:

The fat cleansing program consists of Stromba (Winstrol tablets), Turinabol, Clenbuterol and Ketotifen. Many of you may not have heard of the latest product, but you may read more about Ketotifen. In addition, you will notice that taking Clenbuterol is long and uninterrupted … That’s why we added Ketotifen! It prevents Maple from clogging the receptors!

Stromba – 3 pcs.
Turinabol – 2 pcs.
Clenbuterol – 5 pcs.
Ketotifen – 3 pcs. -> gift
Pregnil 5000iu – 1pc.
Clomiphene citrate – 1 pc.

130mg/ Daily30mg/ DailySEESEE
340mg/ Daily30mg/ DailyBELOWBELOW
440mg/ Daily30mg/ Daily
540mg/ Daily30mg/ Daily
640mg/ Daily30mg/ Daily
730mg/ Daily30mg/ Daily

This is very good and very effective cycle for definition and cleansing of subcutaneous fat.

How to take the products:

Stromba: Take Winstrol twice a day before meals, at regular intervals.
Turinabol: Take the dose of Turinabol twice a day before meals, at regular intervals.

Clenbuterol and Ketotifen:
day 1: 1/2 tablet Clen- in the morning
day 2: 1 tablet Clen- morning
day 3: 1.5 tablets Clen- 1 tab in the morning, 1/2 tab in the early afternoon.
day 4: 2 tablets Clen- 1 tab in the morning, 1 tab in the early afternoon.
day 5: 2.5 tablets Clen- 1 tab in the morning, 1 tab in the early afternoon, 1/2 tab in the late afternoon + 1 tab. Ketotifen at bedtime.
day 6-44: 3 tablets Clen- 1 tab in the morning, 1 tab in the early afternoon, 1 tab in the late afternoon. + 2 tab Ketotifen at bedtime.
day 45: 2.5 tablets Clen+ 2 tab. Ketotifen.
day 46: 2 tablets Clen+ 2 tab. Ketotifen.
day 47: 2 tablets Clen + 2 tab. Ketotifen.
day 48: 1.5 tablets Clen+ 1-2 tab. Ketotifen.
day 49: 1 tablet Clen+ 1 tab. Ketotifen.
Do not take Clenbuterol in the evening. The last tablet should be by 16 -17.00!
An actual and detailed regimen for taking the preparations will be attached to the products!

Side Effects

  • Tremor (trembling of the fingers)
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Palpitations
  • “Dry” joints and tendons

Most of the side effects of Clenbuterol are expressed only in the initial stage of intake, after which they are neutralized by ketotifen. Irreversible side effects are completely absent, so in practice the cycle is safe. As Strombata (stanozolol) dries the joints, be careful with weights and surges, as the risk of injury to the joints and ligaments increases. Warm up well before training!

Additional information:

In the course of the program you should be on a low-carbohydrate diet, do intense workouts followed by cardio and enough time for sleep (at least 7-8 hours). It is good to take protein, BCAA amino acids, as well as vitamin-mineral complexes. This will significantly improve your results! To reduce the burden on the liver from taking two oral steroids, you can take donkey thistle (Carzil) during the course and 10 days after its completion.

⦁ Combining Winstrol tablets and Testosterone Enanthate.

In this cycle, Winstrol is taken orally in combination with long-acting Testosterone Enanthate. This is a very good combination for increasing relatively lean muscle mass and strength. Depending on the dose, the cycle is equally good for beginners and advanced. Testosterone is the best builder of muscle tissue, it is highly anabolic and androgenic, but taking Winstrol will balance its androgenic action. As a result, a sufficient amount of muscle mass will increase without much water retention.

Expected results within a cycle of 8 weeks is an increase in muscle mass of 5-7 + kg and a powerful increase in strength performance.

Information on Cycle with Stromba and Testosterone Enanthate (Depot):

Cycle with Stanozolol tablets (Stromba) and Testosterone enanthate (depot) to increase muscle mass and strength. Scheme for combining and taking Stanozolol with Testosterone, which depending on the dose is suitable for both beginners and advanced.

This cycle with Testosterone and Stromba (Winstrol tablets) provides a powerful accumulation of lean muscle mass with a moderate risk of side effects. As you may know, testosterone is the best product for gaining muscle mass. It is highly anabolic and androgenic, but by combining it with Winstrol, its androgenic properties are somewhat suppressed. The result is an increase in lean muscle mass, without much water retention and a solid increase in strength.
With a good training regime and good nutrition, those who have not yet taken anabolic steroids may gain up to 8-10 kg. The more advanced can expect from 5-7 kg.

Stromba – 3 pcs.
Testosterone Enanthate (Depot) – 5 ampoules.
Pregnil 5000iu – 1 pc ..
Clomiphene citrate – 1 pc

WeekStrombaTestosterone EnanthatePregnilClomid
120mg / Daily250mg/Weekly
240mg / Daily250mg/Weekly
340mg / Daily250mg/Weekly
440mg / Daily250mg/Weekly
530mg / Daily250mg/Weekly
620mg / Daily
75000ui50mg / Daily
850mg / Daily
950mg / Daily

Take the dose of Winstrol twice a day before meals, at regular intervals. Testosterone Enanthate is injected intramuscularly once a week.
The actual intake scheme will be attached to the products!
This exemplary cycle with Stanozolol and Testosterone can be modified in many ways and can also be used by advanced anabolic steroid users. Their doses can be increased as follows: Winstrol up to 50-60 mg per day, and Testosterone 500 mg (for example: one injection of 250 mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday).
More sensitive individuals can insure themselves against the possible occurrence of gynecomastia and take 10 mg of Nolvadex per day.

Additional information about: Winstrol and Testosterone 

⦁ Cycle with Stromba, Testosterone and Turinabol

This is a very good cycle for definition or lean muscle mass (depending on the diet and training) and is a great choice in preparation for the summer months :)! The program is suitable for beginner bodybuilders with a well-balanced ratio – anabolic: androgenic, and a low risk of side effects.
There is a high synergism between the three products, which increases the effectiveness of each one separately. Depending on the diet and training, the expected results may be an increase in well-defined lean muscle mass or good definition and muscle separation.

Information on Clean Mass Cycle with Testosterone, Stromba and Turinabol:

A cycle with Testosterone, Turinabol and Stromba (Winstrol tablets) is a great combination for gaining lean muscle mass and improving muscle definition. It is preferred by many because of its good results and low risk of side effects, a favorite combination in preparation for the summer season.
This cycle for lean muscle mass with Testosterone + Turinabol + Stromba is suitable for beginners who do not worry about injections and are looking for good results that will last for a long time.

Combining Testosterone with Turinabol and Stromba will provide a good increase in lean muscle mass with a moderate risk of side effects. Testosterone is the best preparation for increasing lean muscle mass among injectable steroids! Turinabol and Winstrol pills are two highly anabolic but weakly androgenic drugs that have strong synergism. In addition, they have the ability to keep high levels of free testosterone in the blood. These unique characteristics of Turinabol and Stromba, in combination with Testosterone, create a great cycle for lean muscle mass or definition (depending on the diet).

If you go on a good low carb diet during this cycle, you can expect great results, as long as you don’t have too high a percentage of subcutaneous fat! You can enjoy definition muscles and a well-shaped body!

With a good training regime and nutrition according to the goal you want to achieve, those who have not yet taken anabolic steroids may gain up to 7 kg of lean muscle mass.

Testosterone Enanthate (Depot) – 10 Ampoules
Turinabol – 2 pcs.
Stromba – 2 pcs.
Pregnil 5000iu – 1 pc.
Clomid – 1 pc.


Testosterone is a box of 10 ampoules, each containing 250 mg of Testosterone Enanthate. It is injected once a week, for example 250 mg (1 ml) every Monday. For those who have not had an injection, you can read -> how to beat a muscle injection.

Turinabol is in a box of 99 tablets. Take the daily dose in two doses per day, for example 30 mg (3 tablets) in the morning before meals and 30 mg (3 tablets) in the evening before meals.

The stromba (Winstrol tablets) is in a box of 99 tablets. Take the daily dose in two doses per day, for example 20 mg (2 tablets) in the morning before meals and 20 mg (2 tablets) in the evening before meals.

14 days after the last testosterone injection, make an injection of Pregnil and start taking Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) – 1 tablet a day. This is the so-called post-steroid therapy, which aims to increase your own testosterone production and keep maximum muscle gain.
An actual and more detailed intake scheme will be attached to the products!
More information:Testosterone, Turinabol, Stromba (Winstrol or Stanozolol)

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