Anadrol 50 (Anapolone)

Anadrol 50 EP Lab is an anabolic product with the active ingredient Oxymetholone, a synthetic steroid known as Anadrol or Anadrol 50.  It is the most powerful anabolic pill used in bodybuilding to rapidly gain muscle mass and strength.

98,00лв. (50.11 €)


2 blisters / 50 tablets

Active substance



High – Pro


EP Pharmaceutical Lab

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Anadrol 50 EP Lab is an anabolic product with the active ingredient Oxymetholone, a synthetic steroid known as Anadrol or Anadrol 50.  It is the most powerful anabolic pill used in bodybuilding to rapidly gain muscle mass and strength.

    Anadrol 50 has a 320% stronger anabolic effect than testosterone and is 45% more androgenic than it. Unlike most anabolics, Anapolon does not suppress its own testosterone production as much. It is able to increase muscle mass and strength tremendously in a short time. Although it does not aromatize into estrogen, it retains a significant amount of water, which is not so bad because it lubricates the joints that are subjected to heavy loads from the rapid increase in force. The compound increases the number of red blood cells, so the muscles are able to absorb more oxygen, this leads to increased endurance and allows high-intensity training.

    Anadrol 50 rapidly saturates the receptors and weight gain drops sharply soon after taking it, and then either the dose must be increased or used in combination with another anabolic steroid.

Anadrol gives mainly quantity and volume, not quality. It can pump you up and grow very quickly, but if not used properly, you can lose weight just as quickly. Therefore, Anadrol 50 is not used alone, it is the beginning of a well-composed cycle for gaining muscle mass.

Example for a cycle with Anadrol 50 / Anapolone

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Dose and intake:

The optimal dosage is from 1 to a maximum of 2 tablets (50 to 100 mg) daily in a cycle of 4 to 6 weeks. Advanced athletes weighing more than 100 kg take up to 150 mg, but for no more than 4 weeks!

Suitable steroids for combination in a cycle with Anadrol:

  • Testosterone
  • Deca Durabolin
  • Omnadren
  • Sustanon

Side Effects:

Oxymetholone is very effective for fast gaining muscle mass and strength, but at the same time it is the most stressful for the liver. It is a 17-alpha alkylated compound that prevents it from breaking down in the liver so that a higher percentage of the substance can enter the bloodstream after oral administration. It should be noted that 17-alpha alkylated anabolic / androgenic steroids may be hepatotoxic. Prolonged intake of high doses can lead to liver damage.

Oxymetholone EP should be used by advanced athletes who have reached some level of development or those who already have several steroid cycles behind them. Anadrol is also not recommended for adult bodybuilders or athletes, as they are more sensitive to the side effects of steroids, and the likelihood of liver or prostate damage increases.

– Prepubertal men: – symptoms of virilization, idiopathic skin hyperpigmentation, growth retardation or arrest.

– Men at puberty: – irritation of the bladder, priapism.

– Elderly men: – hypertrophy and / or prostate cancer.

General: impaired liver function, changes in blood counts.


Anadrol Not to be taken by people with: hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate cancer and adenoma, breast cancer in men, severe atherosclerosis, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, liver and kidney dysfunction, acute and chronic prostatitis, pregnancy, lactation until puberty.


⇒ Detailed information about ANADROL


The materials on the site are for informational and educational purposes, do not constitute medical advice, incentives or recommendations. The information (here is a link on side effects from AAS )  provided describes the negative effects of doping well enough so that consumers can make their own decisions in the interests of their health and safety. Consumers should consult a doctor before resorting to any preparations. The decision to purchase, take and use anabolic androgenic steroids is solely the responsibility of the user and this site holds no such responsibility!
